Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Descriptive Writing: A Famous Place

Instruction: Describe a famous place you wish to visit.


If I had a chance to go to a very famous place, I would gladly choose to go to Stonehenge, one of the most mysterious and famous sites in the world. I have always wanted to visit Stonehenge ever since I read about it in my Horrible Histories book.

Stonehenge is located in the English county and at the centre of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds. An UNESCO World Heritage Site, Stonehenge was produced by a culture that left no written records. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. This multiplicity of theories, some of them very colourful, are often called the "mystery of Stonehenge".

The word “Stonehenge” is derived from the words Old English words stān meaning "stone", and either hencg meaning "hinge" (because the stone lintels hinge on the upright stones) or hen(c)en meaning "hang" or "gallows" or "instrument of torture". In other words, Stonehenge means stone gallows. I feel it adds to uneasy, macabre of the place.

What I admire most about Stonehenge is the mystery surrounding the place. Why was Stonehenge built? How was Stonehenge built? Who built Stonehenge? What built Stonehenge? These questions have baffled researchers and professors around the world for decades. This is mainly due to the little evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders.

I believe that Stonehenge was a domain of the dead, a place to celebrate past ancestors and the recently deceased. Many graves and burials were found in that area. Stonehenge was probably very famous in the past as well- people from far away were found in graves.

I would very much love to visit Stonehenge because like the Catacombs of Paris, the place has a very distinct aura of menace. And Stonehenge also boasts a very macabre past, which adds to the strange, guilty feeling I have in gullet when I go to places with horrible pasts. It is a joy visiting a place with such significance, knowing people who lived a thousand years ago probably reached the very climax of the lives in this circle of rocks. 

This joy, added with the guilt and the knowledge of its troubled yet vague past, definitely makes this a place I truly would love to visit. I will probably have a chance to visit it on my next trip to the UK (missed it the last time I visited the UK) as Stonehenge is definitely worth the visit. 

Azura Abdul Aziz

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Drama Club's 1st Trip ;D

BSI Seniors had the opportunity to watch live performance of many extraordinary local talents such as Qahar Aqilah, Jon Chew, Dato Farida Merican, Patrick Teoh (to name a few)  at KLPAC's Philadelphia Here I Come! on Sunday, 20 Jan 2013.

The witty comedy drama directed by Joe Hasham revolved around middle class Malaysia in Danny Tan, born in Cheras and raised by his father who runs a kedai runcit (sundry shop). Danny is at a cross road. Feeling unfulfilled and unloved, he is searching but unsure. He finally decides to take up his aunt’s offer to join her in Philadelphia and start anew there, leaving behind a former love and an uncommunicative father. 

It was a splendid play and we definitely had a great time!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Philadelphia Here I Come!

Our English Language Department is joining the school's Drama Club today to watch the production of Philadephia Here I Come! at KLPAC, KL. 

To all who have signed up, please be at school at 1 pm  today. Attire is t-shirt & long jeans, no slippers please :)

See you there :D

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Riddles----Its never too late to think :)

  1. Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?
  2. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?
  3. Which can move faster, heat of cold?
  4. What weather do mice and rats fear?
  5. What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bone?
  6. What will make more noise in your house than a dog?
  7. Why is the letter E so important?
  8. What has three hands but only one face?
  9. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
  10. What month do soldiers hate?
* Be honest and answer it. 
* Write answers in the comment.

Just read and see whether you have come across of these words.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

English Language: Book List 2013

Dear Students :)

Please ensure you have your very own copies for the required text and activity books.
Please consult your English Language teachers if you have any problem in getting those books :)

Senior 1

Text Book: New Matrix Introduction Student's Book & A Collection of Poem, Short Stories & Drama,    
                  The Boscombe Valley Mystery Form 1.
Activity Book: Super Score Form 1, Light On Lit Form 1.

Senior 2: 

Text Book: New Matrix Introduction Student's Book & A Collection of Poem, Short Stories & Drama.   
Activity Book: Super Score Form 2, Light On Lit Form 2.

Senior 3: 

Text Book: New Matrix Pre-Intermediate Student's Book & A Collection of Poem, Short Stories & 
                   Drama, How I Met Myself.
Activity Book: Super Score Form 3, Light On Lit Form 3.

Senior 4: 

Text Book: New Matrix Intermediate Student's Book & A Collection of Poem, Short Stories & Drama.   
Activity Book: Super Score Form 4, Light On Lit Form 4.

Senior 5: 

Text Book: New Matrix Upper-Intermediate Student's Book & A Collection of Poem, Short Stories &  
                  DramaStep By Wicked Step Form 5
Activity Book: Super Score Form 5, Light On Lit Form 5.

Enjoy your English Language lessons :D

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Hello 2013 ;D

Happy New Year everyone..hope u are all pretty much as excited as we are in welcoming the new year. How was your 7 weeks holidays? ;)