Friday, 15 February 2013

The Great Sphinx of Giza by Chan Hwa Seng, 4 Faraday

If I had a chance to a very famous place, I will go to the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. The Great Sphinx of Giza is also desiphered as Abu al Hul by the Arabians. Which means “the terrifying one.” The sphinx is a statue made out of limestone. The statue symbolizes a mythical creature with a lion’s body and a human head. The Sphinx is believed to be built by one of the earliest ancient civilization of Egypt. It is built during the reign of Pharaoh Khafra which is 2558BC – 2532BC.
In Greek tradition, the Sphinx is mythicized as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer her riddle will suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories, as they are killed and eaten by ravenous monster. Unlike greek sphinx which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is androsphinx (a man). In addition, the Egyptian Sphinx was viewed as a benevolent guardian that protects the temples or tombs. As for how it was built and how long did it take to complete this statue remains a mystery until now. Another mystery behind this monument is ‘ How could the ancient civilization design such a complicating infrastructure?’
Many scientist believes that there were extraterrestrial beings guiding and helping the Egyptian to build the Great Sphinx of Giza. However, why a Sphinx? Why not build a statue of these extraterrestrial being? Moreover, if there were these beings guiding the Egyptians, why didn’t they refer to them as gods? Instead, the Egyptians belong to a politeism race that believes in Horus the god of sun, the god of moon and also the guardian of the wind. Therefore, the idea of the sphinx being built by the beings other than human is not ideal and not scientifically proved.
I would love to visit the Sphinx because this gigantic monolith is a place full of unraveled mysteries. This place has an immense aura as well as pressure. Many people believed that the sphinx is a cursed structure and darkness still lurks around there. Similarly to TutanKhamen’s tomb that was cursed, which was excavated by Howard Carter. The tomb is cursed to bring death by swift wings to anyone whom dare disturb the tomb and a few months after the excavation Howard died due to an insect bite. Coincident? I think so too. The Sphinx itself is still haunted by those preserved under the mummy bandages.
The Egyptians believes that there is life afterdeath. Therefore they mummify themselves along with their belonging when they die. For royal families, the mummies will be buried with golds and expensive belongings. The priests will also place a curse on the tombs to seal the sarcophagus. This is very similar to the emperor Ching of China that buried himself with his army of terracotta warriors. To protect the temples and tombs , the Egyptians worship and pray to the Great Sphinx. The Great Sphinx will then protect the bodies of the mummies so that they can live in a place afterdeath for eternity without any disturbance.
In conclusion, I really want to visit the Sphinx when I grow up one day. However, I will not go alone. This place gives me goosebumps. It is a very mystical and holy place but yet a famous tourism attraction. I hope that I will be one of the people in this world to make a big discovery when I visit it one day. Who knows I might be able to unravel the mystery of The Great Sphinx of Giza.

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